Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog #8 Caring for your Introvert

Reading Johnathan Rauch story, was very well. I personally like his format in his writing. I liked what was going into introvert is people are shy, as well for other meaning. For introversion he was explain what is? How many people are introverts? Are they misunderstood? Are introvert oppressed? Are they arrogant?
    He answer this question and explain in his personality and as well going into other story. He explains he has the personality. He also said 25% people have introvert. That these people with the personality are noticeable and yet need that help with them as well.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog 7: Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space

     In my reading with Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space we have a woman walking late a night on the streets. As she is ponder about what would happen if a mugger, rapist or something that might go worst, as this person came up behind her. Think that a knife was by her throat. That around the ghetto areas, that a dangerous and hazard itself. If she turn the corner she might see a crime, or yet seeing a situation fears, weapons, meeting for a gang, or a possibility of death.
     In a dark, shadowy, intersection around Chicago. That around this area you a locking down doors. You grew to the accustomed to but never comfortable with people who crossed to the other side of the street beside passing the person. In New York your always in a crowd with people. That the sidewalks are always tight and narrow. 
    Norman Podhortez was famous mugging literature for is essay, "My Negro Problem-And Ours". That he was growing up in a terror black mans. That he meet the man in New York area and the mugger of the area asked for the money he had when he refused. The bad guy swerves his car away.
    That also a police officer accused of a black man that wanting to report a insist in the newspaper getting arrested for this crime as well. 
    I really like what Brent Staples did in the write it was like I was in a crime scene. He had both of a cause and effect with his story. I was interesting how two of the story which as well.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Comparison and Contrast Blog 6

In my reading of Neat People and Sloppy People

I can disagree with some of the things for Neat People and Sloppy. It depends on how you see this people I guess! Because at times I can be rude, mean, pissed off about cleaning. It really interesting that when I was cleaning my apartment last night. I could be mad about because some of it was my mess. If you read the story that when Neat people clean they are mad about it. Is it because it other people mess? or because they choose be mad in the cleaning because of themselves? I was why to Sloppy people are clam in this story to. That they more relax in the story as well. Is they don't care about the problems with the world, lifestyle, or people dont care what they do?
So i rant on and on about the question, but I think I should get to the point. Of a Comparison and Contrast. That we'll always argue about this people in they personality or why some and nice and other are mean, throw a fit. So in it you have to find both side in order that I can write my paper and present a argument points across for my story.

Friday, October 8, 2010

My Favorite Essay In Chapter 7

    In my reading I personally like in the Chapter 7 was In the Kitchen.
This story was about a girl with black girl who always wanted straight hair, and not curly hair like her mother. More like her father hair that is straight. In the beginning of the story she was talking about her mother would wash her hair and it was so straight as she washed it. By the time it was drying up her hair was starting to get curly. When her mother was doing the chorus it was in the kitchen.
    In the next section it talk about the different method of straight that works like a mashed-potatoes and lye formula, a steam iron called Proctor-Silex, She even put in bazooka gum in her hair when she was young. There was a oily stuff with Jello, and melt wax the scalp.
    So  in the end it I think she wanted to see what would make her hair straight and the method with this people did for it. And the time when history what people use to do they hair. So I understanding what The part of write I need to write about.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5 Question!

1. According to Murphy , why do people engage in lifosuction?
Because he didn't want to discourage the lifosuction, but encourage people to subtract even more of themselves from a public view than they currently do. Murphy and other started to out to let people see

2. In paragraph 8, Murphy says, It's easy to raise an eyebrow at lifosuction, but hard to be consorious." What does he mean? How serious does Murphy think lifosuction is? How can you tell.
Consorious means blameful, critical, scandalous, and bitchy. I like Murphy is been critical in this speaking. It a generalization into his writing in a exemplification. Because he using a illustrate point for the write. Murphy take is very serious in speaking because he know someday it coming into the world. Because it how you read it that make it sound serious

3. How does Murphy organize his examples?
When reading it was always sound in toward history for a minute. I though I was read a little history for that book and I saw dates. But I want to say it was a cause and effect. Because he has cause that somehow effecting into the story.

4.Lifosuction is a coined word. Explain how it is made up. Do you find it a term clever? Why or why not?
I want to say lifosuction is a interesting word. It more that people are making it there on type of word. I person only find this term in the book. the removal from one's biography of innocuous yet somehow unsightly element that happen to be true. So it is a clever term. Because it make are story somewhat come alive.

5. consult a dictionary if you are unsure of the meaning of any of these words: tribune, dint, cadre, pugilist, and proletariat?
Tribune he putting it was a military office.
Dint to work hard in the company head.
Cadre a group of trained or otherwise qualified personnel capable of forming, training, or leading an expanded organization, as areligious or political faction, or a skilled work force: They hoped to form a cadre of veteran party members.
Pugilist a person who fights with the fists; a boxer, usually a professional.
Proletariat the lowest or poorest class of people, possessing noproperty

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Narrative Essay

I'm having a hard times choosing a narrative essay so the choosing about my a love that I had or my adventure in Europe from 6 years ago. The person that I love is a more secret relationship that I hide from my parents and wanting to write how I meet him and the few dates I when on with him.
Or writing about my adventure in Europe telling you about my favorite places. The culture the world, my favorite treats, and how travel was for me. I hope that as I down to my two options.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Pattern for a Purpose

As reading for "Pattern for a Purpose" my challenge was to see what was going to help me in these chapter. How have these chapter helped me in as a writer? Well I like some of words that can explain into a description  into other meaning, because I always pick LIKE...... into my writing so many times!!! So that is very useful to explain my words instead on picking like into my writing. The one thing I don't find useful is? This the visualizing an essay. I be very well taught to write in that form of a list. It annoy because I've been writing that way in Jr. High. I know we have the introduction, three body paragraphs and the conclusion. So I just skim over it because  I understand it completely!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Do I Feel About Reading and Writing?

    I personal like to write. I'm just not the best at grammar! I can't make it sound like me at all. I get screw up on my spelling as well. It's from my personal experience I moved around A LOT from place to place. The other schools I when enrolled where always ahead or behind. So I can never understand my writing.
   I wish that I could write and be proud that I can write as well have grammar in my writing. I sometimes feel reading and writing is good but I feel trap in my writing. The reason I feel trap in it is because NO ONE CAN UNDERSTAND ME..... I wish that people can understand me!!! I just wanna say reading and writing is always going to be harder on me.
   I hope in achieve in this class that I an be able to write in my own words, and explain. In this class my writing hopefully will appreciated in my writing and understanding. And hopefully this will make me better writing for is class.