Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog 7: Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space

     In my reading with Just Walk On By: A Black Man Ponders His Power To Alter Public Space we have a woman walking late a night on the streets. As she is ponder about what would happen if a mugger, rapist or something that might go worst, as this person came up behind her. Think that a knife was by her throat. That around the ghetto areas, that a dangerous and hazard itself. If she turn the corner she might see a crime, or yet seeing a situation fears, weapons, meeting for a gang, or a possibility of death.
     In a dark, shadowy, intersection around Chicago. That around this area you a locking down doors. You grew to the accustomed to but never comfortable with people who crossed to the other side of the street beside passing the person. In New York your always in a crowd with people. That the sidewalks are always tight and narrow. 
    Norman Podhortez was famous mugging literature for is essay, "My Negro Problem-And Ours". That he was growing up in a terror black mans. That he meet the man in New York area and the mugger of the area asked for the money he had when he refused. The bad guy swerves his car away.
    That also a police officer accused of a black man that wanting to report a insist in the newspaper getting arrested for this crime as well. 
    I really like what Brent Staples did in the write it was like I was in a crime scene. He had both of a cause and effect with his story. I was interesting how two of the story which as well.